• Placemaking

    C-type print


    There is a moment when a child decides to move out alone, this happens in different ways at different times. They come in and out of focus and for short periods they seem profoundly sharp and within the confines of understanding and then they move off.

    This chair becomes a character that delineates where the child’s space is. It is a space that the child can move around and create a moment. The discarded object, becomes a desirable object, an object to placemake. Children can create a den from a blanket and two stools or branches structured together to become a home. A yellow chair represents a tool to be anything or to be dipped away. A child has few ways of being in control.


  • Placemaking

    C-type print


    There is a moment when a child decides to move out alone, this happens in different ways at different times. They come in and out of focus and for short periods they seem profoundly sharp and within the confines of understanding and then they move off.

    This chair becomes a character that delineates where the child’s space is. It is a space that the child can move around and create a moment. The discarded object, becomes a desirable object, an object to placemake. Children can create a den from a blanket and two stools or branches structured together to become a home. A yellow chair represents a tool to be anything or to be dipped away. A child has few ways of being in control.


  • Placemaking

    C-type print


    There is a moment when a child decides to move out alone, this happens in different ways at different times. They come in and out of focus and for short periods they seem profoundly sharp and within the confines of understanding and then they move off.

    This chair becomes a character that delineates where the child’s space is. It is a space that the child can move around and create a moment. The discarded object, becomes a desirable object, an object to placemake. Children can create a den from a blanket and two stools or branches structured together to become a home. A yellow chair represents a tool to be anything or to be dipped away. A child has few ways of being in control.


  • C-type print

  • C-type print

  • C-type print
